view of university of Haifa
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PME is pleased to offer a special day (early researchers’ day, ERD) for early career researchers who are attending the PME conference. The Early Researchers’ Day will directly precede the main PME conference and will consist of presentations, working groups and other kinds of sessions planned to be of value to those who are in their first years of research in mathematics education. 

The aim of the ERD is to provide early career researchers with opportunities to develop their research skills in various fields, establish new contacts, build networks among themselves and with respect to future PME conferences, and meet and work with international experts in the field. 

The 2023 ERD will be held on Sunday July 16 at the University of Haifa (on site). The day is being organized by Talli Nachlieli and Einat Heyd-Metzuyanim (LOC members, Israel). Registration fees for ERD and coffee breaks are complimentary (no cost). Researchers can apply for participation at the same time as the full registration. As there are a limited number of places, priority will be given on a first come first serve basis.

See below the ERD schedule: