The Local Organizing Committee of the 46th Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education is pleased to invite you to attend the conference to be held in Haifa, Israel from July 16 to July 21, 2023.
The theme of the conference is “Mathematics education for global sustainability.” This theme calls attention to caretaking of human wellbeing, coping with global disease, narrowing economic and social inequalities, and mitigating climate emergencies. These crises can be seen as interwoven threads that are inseparable one from another.

Mathematics education holds particular promise for crisis resolution towards sustainability. As an international conference, this is an opportunity to present, discuss, formulate, and collaborate on research that opens multiple opportunities for global sustainability and develops awareness of the importance of global sustainable goals.
(see https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/)
We view global sustainability as particularly fitting for the conference’s host country, Israel, as the cradle of three major religions, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.
The University of Haifa is located atop a mountain in the heart of the Carmel range, within the multicultural city of Haifa, alongside the vibrant Mediterranean Sea, making it a perfect setting for research on mathematics education, society, and the environment. The University of Haifa encourages social and environmental sustainability through research, teaching, and community partnerships. Our goal is to make the 2023 meeting scientifically and socially successful. We hope that your visit and stay in Haifa and in Israel will be exciting, informative, and inspiring. We look forward to welcoming you to the conference in July 2023.